This serial cable features a standard DB25 connector on one end and the 9-pin DIN connector on the other. It was bundled with a kit that included software for connecting an Amstrad PC to a Minitel terminal.
Leather case designed to hold a Minitel terminal. We found this item on ebay and had never seen one before. We believe this is a tailor-made, one of a kind item, possibly made for a traveling salesman. It fits a Minitel 1, 1B, and our American…
Thermal printer connects to the serial port on a standard Minitel. Note that the industrial design of the printer is meant to match the typical coloring of the Minitel 1 and 1B terminals.
3614 Gestcomptes 2 is a telebanking kit for owners of Atari ST computers published by LOG-ACCESS. The kit includes a diskette with software to run on the PC and a serial cable for connecting to a Minitel terminal. There were advantages to this design…
This is a "download kit" for owners of the Amstrad CPC home computer, published in 1988 by AZURSOFT. The kit includes a diskette with terminal and file-transfer software as well as a serial cable for connecting the Amstrad PC and Minitel terminal.